
Sustainable Development

Pressure is building for a federal cap-and-trade scheme in the U.S. to tackle greenhouse gas emissions.

Western Balkans

Attended by senior Kosovar political and civil society leaders, the conference on Developing a Strategy for Kosovo's First 120 Days was held at the Pocantico Conference Center from April 12-14, 2007.

Western Balkans

The Balkan sun is blistering. In Obilic, a town in Kosovo, the region's most unstable corner, coal dust and smoke from a massive power plant taint the air with sulfur. The town hall's drab auditorium fills with people in short-sleeve shirts, standard-issue blue overalls; their hands are calloused. The stale air inside seems to demand answers. Read more

News & Announcements

The Rockefeller Brothers Fund's annual Statistical Review provides information on the Fund's investment performance and rate of spending, as well as an overview of program spending, grantmaking, Pocantico activities, human resources data, and an analysis of program spending.


The Centre for Conflict Resolution publishes a report on "AIDS and Society in South Africa: Building a Community of Practice."

Culpeper Arts & Culture

This report examines the case of community organizing for educational equity and school improvement in New York City, represented by a network of neighborhood and citywide collaboratives. These collaboratives are engaging nonprofit organizations in low-income communities of color to become advocates, policy initiators, watchdogs, and civic constituents for school change.

News & Announcements
Culpeper Arts & Culture

This report examines the case of community organizing for educational equity and school improvement in New York City, represented by a network of neighborhood and citywide collaboratives. These collaboratives are engaging nonprofit organizations in low-income communities of color to become advocates, policy initiators, watchdogs, and civic constituents for school change.

Program Impact

The Form 990 PF form provides information on the RBF’s assets, liabilities, revenues, charitable distributions, operating and administrative expenses, excise tax computations, and compensation of officers, trustees or directors.

Democratic Practice

RBF president, Stephen Heintz, presents "The Democracy Crisis" at the Alliance for Children and Families' 2006 National Conference in St. Louis.


The 2005 Audited Financial Statement presents the financial position of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund as of December 31, 2005 and 2004.