
Western Balkans

On December 6, 2012, Partners Albania, Center for Change and Conflict Management recognized five groups and individuals for their contributions to philanthropy in Albania, at its second annual Philanthropy Awards ceremony. The Rockefeller Brothers Fund grantee recognized individuals, families, and businesses for their generosity and commitment to improving the quality of life for fellow Albanians.

News & Announcements
Western Balkans

RBF grantee The Association Oktopus recognized winners of its Green Games competition at a ceremony in Belgrade, Serbia on December 4, 2012. Nearly 600 elementary and middle school students from 58 Serbian municipalities competed by developing video games with environmental themes. Winners were chosen by Serbian citizens, who voted via text message.

News & Announcements
Western Balkans

Advocates working toward the establishment of a regional commission (RECOM) to identify and disclose facts about war crimes that occurred in the Balkans during the 1990s, met with European Union ambassadors in Belgrade, Serbia on June 21, 2012. Maja Mićić of the Youth Initiative for Human Rights, an RBF grantee, represented the coalition for RECOM.

News & Announcements
Democratic Practice
Sustainable Development
Western Balkans

Not long ago, Nezir Sinani was working for a state-owned power company in Kosovo. As he learned about the detrimental effects of coal on human health and the environment, he decided to make a change. Now, Mr. Sinani is advancing clean energy solutions in Kosovo with RBF grantee the Institute for Development Policy.

News & Announcements
Western Balkans

The Rockefeller Brothers Fund has modified its Western Balkans guidelines by adding a peacebuilding goal. The amendment of this third goal will allow the Fund to continue to focus its work on the area of peacebuilding, foster collaboration with the RBF’s Peacebuilding program, and remain transparent about its work in the Western Balkans.

News & Announcements
Western Balkans

Fearless reporter Jeta Xharra was profiled in The New York Times on November 29, 2011. Xharra is the executive director of RBF grantee the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network, an organization committed to promoting transparency and accountability through investigative journalism.

News & Announcements
Western Balkans

Nearly 150 artists, professors, journalists, and other professionals from countries of the former Yugoslavia signed a letter in support of the establishment of RECOM, the regional commission to identify and disclose facts about war crimes that occurred in the Balkans during the 1990s. The letter was released at a press conference in Sarajevo on October 7, 2011.

News & Announcements
Western Balkans

Most Albanian business leaders believe philanthropy helps to make their companies more successful, with 62 percent of the nearly 150 companies surveyed active in giving. Partners Albania, Center for Change and Conflict Management conducted a survey of philanthropic activity by Albanian enterprises. It recommends better tax incentives, more public recognition, and educating the public about corporate social responsibility to bolster giving.

Western Balkans

Youth Initiative for Human Rights has been cited throughout the U.S. Department of State's 2010 Human Rights Report on Montenegro. The report provides comprehensive details on human rights conditions in the country. The State Department credits the the growth of  nongovernmental organizations focused on democracy and human rights issues, like YIHR, as one factor for the increase in popular movements worldwide.

News & Announcements
Western Balkans

RBF grantee the Youth Initiative for Human Rights (YIHR) celebrated the graduation of its New Policy School's third class and the matriculation of its fourth, on Sept. 7.

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