
Mission-Aligned Investing

Corporate Knights magazine celebrates companies that catalyzed green solutions in the 50 years since the first Earth Day.

News & Announcements
Mission-Aligned Investing

As part of the RBF's efforts to better align our investment practices with our mission, we have set a goal to invest 25 percent of our endowment with firms majority-owned by people of color and women.

News & Announcements
Mission-Aligned Investing

Informed by a new report from the Knight Foundation, several foundations have begun to explore how we can better support diversity, equity, and inclusion in the investment space.

News & Announcements
Mission-Aligned Investing

With $12.5 million in initial funding, the TPF will begin making grants in 2020 to support the growth and integrity of impact investing.

News & Announcements
Mission-Aligned Investing

The report surveys all philanthropies that have signed the Divest-Invest pledge since 2014.

News & Announcements
Mission-Aligned Investing

In partnership with Agility and individual fund managers, the RBF seeks to develop and refine approaches to assessing the nonfinancial outcomes of our mission-aligned investing.

Democratic Practice
Sustainable Development
Mission-Aligned Investing

"The climate crisis is really the forcing mechanism: it is so big, so existential, so serious. But it reveals these bigger issues around humanity—the sense of fairness and justice and equality. Unless we reestablish an ethos of caring and sharing as a way of acting on this planet, we’re not going to solve this crisis.”

News & Announcements
Mission-Aligned Investing

In debunking the misconception that mission-aligned investing lowers expected returns, the paper emphasizes that there is no one-size-fits-all strategy for investors.

Program Impact
News & Announcements
Mission-Aligned Investing

In September 2014, the Fund pledged to a two-step process to divest from fossil fuels: we committed to reducing exposure to coal and tar sands to less than one percent by the end of the year. At the same time, we began a comprehensive analysis of our exposure to other fossil fuel investments and began developing a strategy to eliminate the Fund’s exposure to these energy sources as quickly as possible.

News & Announcements
Mission-Aligned Investing

David Rockefeller pledged to auction his collection of art, antiquities, furniture, and other personal items after his death and to distribute the proceeds to a number of charitable organizations. He made a $250 million gift to the RBF, the largest of his philanthropic bequests.

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