Photo by Ben Kelmer, courtesy of Just Vision.
Photo by Ben Kelmer, courtesy of Just Vision.
Women protest for freedom, dignity, equality, and human security in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of East Jerusalem.
Washington, DC
United States
Just Vision challenges traditional media narratives of violence and extremism with documentary films that tell stories of Palestinians and Israelis working to end the occupation and striving for a just, free, and equal future.
Just Vision’s 2012 Peabody award-winning short documentary My Neighbourhood tells the story of a Palestinian community's nonviolent struggle against settlement expansion in Sheikh Jarrah, a neighborhood in East Jerusalem. The film was followed by a global outreach campaign to raise awareness about the threat of displacement facing Palestinians in the city and garner local and international support.
Watch the complete film on Just Vision’s website.
Our online database includes grants made by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund over the past five years.