Spring Forum: René D'Harnoncourt and the Art of Installation

with Michelle Elligott, MoMA

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Michelle Elligott, chief of archives, library, and research collections at The Museum of Modern Art, discusses her book, René D'Harnoncourt and the Art of Installation. Named one of the New York Times' Best Art Books of 2018, Elligott discusses D'Harnoncourt's visionary approach to installing exhibitions as MoMA's director from 1949 to 1968, as well as his relationship with Nelson Rockefeller. D'Harnoncourt worked with Rockefeller in both official and private capacities, including co-founding the Museum of Primitive Art together.

The Forum is moderated by Katrina London, manager of collections and curatorial projects at The Pocantico Center.

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Michelle Elligott

Chief of Archives, Library, and Research Collections at The Museum of Modern Art, New York

Michelle Elligott's latest book, Modern Artifacts, appeared on the Best Art Books of 2020 lists of The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and New York Magazine.

Ms. Elligott was part of the curatorial team for the newly reimagined MoMA collection reinstallation in 2019. In 2017, she curated the exhibition Devenir moderne, part of the Museum’s exhibition Etre moderne at the Fondation Louis Vuitton in Paris. She has also co-directed the Museum's widely acclaimed Exhibition History web archive project and co-edited the institution's first self-published history, Art in Our Time: A Chronicle of The Museum of Modern Art (2004).