

Changing Course: A New Direction for U.S. Relations with the Muslim World, a report by Search for Common Ground and the Consensus Building Institute, was released today.


The 2007 Audited Financial Statement presents the financial position of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund as of December 31, 2007 and 2006.

Democratic Practice

The Information Technology and Politics Section of the American Political Science Association (APSA) has recently honored RBF grantee University of Wisconsin for their 2007 article, "Campaign Ads, Online Messaging, and Participation: Extending the Communication Mediation Model."

Sustainable Development

In his latest climate action brief, Presidential Climate Action Project Executive Director Bill Becker sheds light on signs of progress toward a new, safer, and more prosperous American economy.


A study by the American University in Cairo (AUC) shatters prevailing Arab news media stereotypes, revealing that much of the conventional wisdom that has shaped U.S. public diplomacy policy toward the region lacks substance.

Culpeper Arts & Culture

News and speculation surrounding the 2008 Olympics are making headline news around the world, thrusting Shen Wei, principal choreographer for the Opening Ceremony, into the spotlight.

News & Announcements
Sustainable Development

2030, Inc. (Architecture 2030) brings the message home: green buildings are vital to an effective climate change strategy.

News & Announcements
Democratic Practice

A new survey by the Johns Hopkins University Nonprofit Listening Post Project, an RBF grantee, shows that American charities are widely engaged in advocacy work despite tight budgets, limited staff time and confusing legal restrictions.


The Pocantico Center of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund will mark the 100th anniversary of Nelson A. Rockefeller's birthday with a special exhibit in the galleries at Kykuit. The exhibition features three sculptures by Alexander Calder, Julio González, and Naum Gabo. The sculptures, on loan from the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York, were bequeathed to MoMA by Governor Rockefeller in 1979.

News & Announcements

Students could soon be eating vegetables they will grow in an organic school garden located on the neighboring Rockefeller estate in Pocantico.  The Rockefeller family has a long history of supporting environmental sustainability initiatives worldwide, as well as in their own backyard. The pilot project, which kicks off in September, will involve third and fourth grade students.

News & Announcements