
Mission-Aligned Investing

Persistent action by Fossil Fuel Divest Harvard and others paid off in September 2021 with the university’s historic announcement to divest.

In The Media
Sustainable Development

Brett KenCairn, founding director of the Urban Drawdown Initiative, discusses composting, scaling up cities’ tree cover, and centering regenerative, equity-based urban agriculture.

Mission-Aligned Investing

The journey we have taken to deploy our endowment investments for greater sustainability has led us to a broader realization that the impact of our institutional decisions and practices can bolster and extend the social change efforts of our grantees.

Sustainable Development

It’s time to support these young people as they wake up their elders. It may be the only thing that saves us. See you in the streets. I’ll be there, marching beside my daughter.


How can foundation philanthropy disentangle itself from the vast infrastructure of economic inequality that gave birth to it? How can we help correct the economic balance so that capitalism serves democracy—not the other way around?


“The wall that matters already stands: the spiritual wall that divides us a nation and a people.” Stephen Heintz argues that while historic diversity has contributed to the division in our politics, it can also strengthen our democracy.

News & Announcements

Accepting the Council on Foundations 2018 Distinguished Service Award, RBF President Stephen Heintz offered remarks on the state of philanthropy in these turbulent times.

News & Announcements
Mission-Aligned Investing

Hugh Lawson delivered the keynote address at the second annual World Resources Institute’s Sustainable Investing Forum and spoke about his experience integrating ESG principles into portfolios at Goldman Sachs, as well as the Fund's mission-aligned investment practices.

Mission-Aligned Investing

Citizens concerned about public health, land degradation, and clean air standards have driven coal from the market, said RBF President Stephen Heintz in an editorial for on April 21, 2016.

News & Announcements
Philanthropic Stewardship

Philanthropy must invest time and commit to constant innovation in order to tackle the root causes of the world’s most pressing problems, Stephen Heintz said, in remarks at the University of Sydney’s United States Studies Centre in April.

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