The RBF Publishes New Peacebuilding Guidelines
The RBF is pleased to announce that its Peacebuilding program guidelines are now available. Formerly known as the Peace and Security program, the Peacebuilding program's framework is based on a thorough review process, and is grounded in the theme of conflict transformation. The revised program aims to advance just and durable peace by supporting innovative and collaborative approaches and policies for conflict prevention, management, and transformation at the multilateral, regional, and national levels; strengthening constituencies and political will for conflict transformation and durable peace; and exploring solutions to emerging transnational threats and drivers of conflict.
The Fund’s Peacebuilding program aspires to strengthen local constituencies for peace and to connect them with policymaking on the regional and international levels. It aims to understand the conditions that lead to violence and the processes that support durable peace in order to identify innovative solutions to the most pressing drivers of insecurity. The program’s grantmaking focuses on conflicts that have a disproportionate influence on international peace and security. It works closely with the Fund’s Pivotal Place programs, especially in the Western Balkans, and with the Global Governance portfolio of the Democratic Practice program. The Fund places particular importance on elevating the role of women and young leaders in international peacebuilding and conflict transformation efforts.
View the current Peacebuilding guidelines
Peacebuilding Program Memo [PDF] (2011)