Rapidly Rising Sea Levels Threaten Coastal United States

By 2030, the sea level along many of the United States' coasts will rise at least four feet, affecting the nearly five million residents who live in homes on land below this level, according to a report published by Climate Central, an RBF grantee. New data from the report, Surging Seas, and the accompanying website, are featured in a front-page New York Times article detailing the sea level rise that has already doubled the annual risk of coastal flooding in the country. Surging Seas is the first report to include evaluations of every low-lying coastal municipality in the continental United States. Climate Nexus, an RBF-supported project of the Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, handled the media relations and communications rollout for this report.

Related Links

Download the report

Visit the interactive website

Read The New York Times' article

Related Grants

Climate Central, Inc.

Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors.