The American Artists’ Hand Archive Holds Court at the David Rockefeller Creative Arts Center

Whether through the medium of sculp­ture, paint­ing, film or other cre­ative ve­hi­cles like mu­sic and po­etry, artis­tic ex­pres­sion, when con­tem­plated by the pub­lic and fel­low artists, is sub­jec­tive. There is, how­ever, a uni­ver­sal com­mon de­nom­i­na­tor among nearly all artists: they cre­ate won­der­ment with their hands.

To bet­ter un­der­stand these “agents of cre­ativ­ity,” Vanessa Ho­heb be­gan the Amer­i­can Artists’ Hand Archive in 2010. Along with artis­tic di­rec­tor Thomas Don­ahue, the pro­lific team is cur­rently of­fer­ing an in­ti­mate ex­pe­ri­ence to view 34 ex­pertly crafted bronze life cast­ings of Amer­i­can artists’ hands at the David Rock­e­feller Cre­ative Arts Cen­ter at Pocan­tico, the com­mu­nity-fac­ing ex­ten­sion of the Rock­e­feller Broth­ers Fund (RBF).


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