Photo courtesy of I25a Facebook page.
Photo courtesy of I25a Facebook page.
Instituto 25a hosts an event a part of "Because We Have a Voice," a series of microfestivals together to talk with residents about their daily lives as well as their desires for their neighborhood and city.
Instituto 25A (I25A) works to democratize the Guatemalan political system and support fair living conditions for all people. Emerging from the 2015 anti-corruption movement in Guatemala, I25A provides advocacy and civic education support for citizen-led initiatives.
I25A has created a network of NGOs, churches, indigenous groups, universities, think tanks, and grassroots organizations to help develop a shared understanding among Guatemalans of the complex processes of the Constitutional Court. The Court has played a key role in defending the rule of law, promoted the enforcement of indigenous rights, defended state institutions, and suspended arbitrary decisions made by the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government.
Instituto 25A (I25A) trabaja para democratizar el sistema político guatemalteco y respaldar condiciones de vida justas para todas las personas. Surgido del movimiento anticorrupción de 2015 en Guatemala, I25A ofrece apoyo en incidencia y educación cívica para iniciativas ciudadanas.
I25A ha creado una red de ONGs, iglesias, grupos indígenas, universidades, grupos de expertos y organizaciones comunitarias para ayudar a desarrollar un entendimiento compartido entre los guatemaltecos acerca de los procesos complejos de la Corte de Constitucionalidad. La Corte ha tenido un papel clave en la defensa del Estado de derecho, ha promovido el cumplimiento de los derechos de personas indígenas, ha defendido a instituciones estatales y ha suspendido decisiones arbitrarias tomadas por los tres organismos del estado: ejecutivo, legislativo y judicial.
Our online database includes grants made by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund over the past five years.