Cristosal, Inc.

Burlington, VT
United States

Cristosal, Inc., advances human rights across Central America by providing legal services to victims of human rights abuses, producing quality research that documents human rights violations, and conducting strategic litigation to help rural communities navigate the judicial system.

Cristosal plays a critical role in the ongoing investigation of the 1981 El Mozote massacre, the largest mass murder in the contemporary history of the Americas in which nearly a thousand unarmed civilians were killed by Salvadoran forces armed and trained by the United States. Cristosal helps survivors pursue reparations from the state and bring charges against the perpetrators.

Cristosal, Inc. promueve los derechos humanos en Centro América por medio de brindar servicios legales a víctimas de violaciones de derechos humanos, realizar investigación de calidad para documentar las violaciones de dichos derechos y llevar a cabo litigios estratégicos para guiar a las comunidades rurales por el sistema judicial.

Cristosal tiene un rol crítico en la investigación en curso de la masacre de 1981 en El Mozote, el mayor asesinato en masa de la historia contemporánea de América, en la que casi mil civiles desarmados fueron asesinados por las fuerzas salvadoreñas armadas y entrenadas por Estados Unidos. Cristosal ayuda a los supervivientes a buscar reparaciones del Estado y a presentar cargos en contra de los responsables.

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12 months
For general support
Transparency and Anti-Impunity
12 months
For strengthening democracy and the rule of law in Guatemala
Democratic Culture and Civic Participation
24 months
For general support
Transparency and Anti-Impunity
12 months
For general support
Transparency and Anti-Impunity
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Our online database includes grants made by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund over the past five years.