The Fund in 2020: Graph Details
2020 Grant Dollars Awarded by Program
Matrix presenting the Fund's eight programs and the percent of the grantmaking budget they comprise. Democratic Practice accounts for 26 pecent of the program budget; Peacebuilding, 11 percent; Sustainable Development, 22 percent; China, 17 percent; Western Balkans, four percent; Central America, one percent; and Culpeper Arts & Culture, 6 percent.
Endowment Value
Line graph showing the growth of the RBF endowment over three years. In 2018, the the endowment was valued at $923 million at the end of Q1; $935 million at the end of Q2; $1.2 billion at the end of Q3; and $1.133 billion at the end of Q4. In 2019, the the endowment was valued at $1.198 billion at the end of Q1; $1.123 billion at the end of Q2; $1.217 billion at the end of Q3; and $1.278 billion at the end of Q4. In 2020, the the endowment was valued at $1.112 billion at the end of Q1; $1.225 billion at the end of Q2; $1.272 billion at the end of Q3; and $1.437 billion at the end of Q4.
Investment Allocation
Pie chart showing the relative allocation of endowment funds as of December 31, 2020. Thirty-seven percent of investment dollars were in investments categorized as screen divest; 26 percent in ESG; 23 percent in traditional; 9 percent in Impact; and 5 percent in Cash.
2020 Spending
Pie chart showing the portion of total spending allocated to each category. Grants and Appropriations Paid account for $49,010,600 or 73 percent of spending; Administration Accounts, $9,990,000 or 15 percent; Pocantico Core Operations, $6,780,000 or 10 percent; Direct Charitable Activities, $1,200,000 or 1.8 percent; and Pocantico Conferences and Events, $146,000 or 0.2 percent.
Staff Diversity
One-hundred-percent bar chart showing staff racial identities 2018-2020. In 2018, 61 percent of staff identified as White; 15 percent as Black; 16 percent as Hispanic/Latinx; seven percent as Asian/South Asian; and one percent as multiracial. In 2019, 55 percent of staff identified as White; 15 percent as Black; 21 percent as Hispanic/Latinx; eight percent as Asian/South Asian; and one percent as multiracial. In 2020, 55 percent of staff identified as White; 17 percent as Black; 16 percent as Hispanic/Latinx; 10 percent as Asian/South Asian; and two percent as multiracial.
Trustee Diversity
One-hundred-percent bar chart showing trustee racial identities 2018-2020. In 2018, 80 percent of trustees identified as White; 10 percent as Black; and 10 percent as Asian/South Asian. In 2019, 78 percent of trustees identified as White; 11 percent as Black; and 11 percent as Asian/South Asian. In 2020, 79 percent of trustees identified as White; 10.5 percent as Black; and 10.5 percent as Asian/South Asian.