Code of Conduct
This Code of Conduct is designed to guide the trustees, committee members, and employees of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund (“Fund”) in the performance of their duties in the work of the Fund. It begins from the premise that the Fund is a public trust. The Fund has always taken this obligation seriously and strives to set an example for the field of philanthropy. This means that each trustee, officer, committee member, employee, and volunteer of the Fund (“Fund Personnel”) must conduct the affairs of the Fund with a commitment to the highest standards of integrity, transparency and accountability. They must act at all times in an honest and ethical manner, in compliance with all laws and regulations, and avoid improprieties resulting from actual, potential, or apparent conflicts of interest.
The Code of Conduct was presented to and approved by the board of trustees on December 13, 2007, and amended on November 30, 2016.