Photo courtesy of the Rockefeller Archive Center.
Founded in 1952 by John D. Rockefeller 3rd, the Population Council expressed his interest in global population growth, family planning, and the health of developing nations. Spurred by his experience as a trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation, which was beginning to work on population, but only from the standpoint of food production, JDR 3rd established the Council to address the more controversial fields of human fertility and contraceptive research. The Council approached population through basic medical research, effective and affordable contraceptives, educational outreach, technical assistance, professional training, and long-term planning studies. In 1955, the Fund gave almost half a million dollars for general support to help the Council establish its footing. It continued to make substantial grants through the 1970s for activities including fellowship programs, family planning studies, and international conferences. RBF trustee and Rockefeller University president Detlev Bronk was a founding board member of the Council.
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