Photo courtesy Skoll Foundation/Gabriel Diamond.
Photo courtesy Skoll Foundation/Gabriel Diamond.
IPE Director Ma Jun (right), documenting environmental conditions at a textiles factory in Hangzhou, China in September 2014.
Having identified public participation as the missing link in China’s environmental governance processes, the Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs (IPE), led by Ma Jun, launched the China Pollution Map Database in late 2006 by collecting and analyzing public data on industrial pollution released by different levels of government. Over the years, IPE has greatly expanded its hub of data into a powerful evidence base with which the public, media, NGOs, businesses, and government agencies can more strategically promote stronger environmental protections. In the process, IPE has worked with a nationwide coalition of 50-plus environmental NGOs known as the Green Choice Alliance to investigate corporate compliance with environmental regulations in different industries, such as consumer electronics and textiles. By the end of 2014, the database held a total of 180,000 violation records, covering approximately 100,000 enterprises. It is a frequent resource for large brands to screen the suppliers in their supply chain. Since 2008, support for IPE has been an important component of the Fund’s commitment, begun in 2006, to work at the intersection of environment and health and strengthen public participation in environmental governance in China.
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