Photo courtesy 350.org/Robert van Waarden.
Photo courtesy 350.org/Robert van Waarden.
The Fund's announcement coincided with Climate Change Week, which saw more than 300,000 march through New York City for climate accountability.
Since 2010, the Fund has been working to better align its endowed assets with its mission as expressed in its program work. Given its deep commitment to combating climate change, in September 2014, the Fund began a two-step process to divest from fossil fuel companies. Its immediate focus was on coal and tar sands, two of the most intensive sources of carbon emissions. It also carried out a comprehensive analysis of remaining fossil fuel exposure and initiated divestment efforts from these. The Fund’s continued divestment from fossil fuels will be accomplished through a phased approach that proceeds as quickly as is prudent, given its need to maintain financial resources to fulfill program commitments and its overall mission.
Photo courtesy Reinhard Bütikofer/European Green Party.
In September 2015, Stephen Heintz spoke in Paris about divestment progress with representatives from the Church of Sweden, The Guardian, 350.org, and university students.
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