Photo courtesy of the Rockefeller Archive Center.
The Eastern Caribbean Natural Area Program (ECNAMP) was a cornerstone of the RBF’s Caribbean program (1977 to late 1980s), which focused on promoting the areas of sustainable development, natural resource conservation, and job creation in tandem with one another. The RBF made significant grants to ECNAMP through the Caribbean Conservation Association and the University of Michigan’s School of Natural Resources, for a while becoming ECNAMP’s largest donor. Projects included assessing how poor rural communities might derive income from Dominica’s forest resources while stewarding those resources for long-term yields. It provided consulting services to governments and NGOs throughout the region, skills-building workshops for fisheries and forestry officers, and an environmental education program in St. Lucia. In the late 1980s, ECNAMP evolved into an independent NGO, the Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI), based in Trinidad and Tobago, which continues to be a regional leader in community-based resource management.
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