Pocantico Prize Winner Amaryllis R. Flowers Opens ‘Community Day’ at David Rockefeller Creative Arts Center

Rarely are art en­thu­si­asts pro­vided a por­tal into the of­ten soli­tary jour­ney of an artiste — glean­ing the soul-search­ing process that even­tu­ally yields in­no­v­a­tive cre­ations de­signed to in­voke spir­ited emo­tions.

“Any in­tro­duc­tion to art through­out my life was due to pub­lic li­braries, pub­lic schools and com­mu­nity events,” Amaryl­lis R. Flowers (formerly known as Amaryllis De­Je­sus Moleski) told The Hud­son In­de­pen­dent. “So any time I get the op­por­tu­nity to open a stu­dio space, I en­joy it.”

In March 2023, the Rock­e­feller Broth­ers Fund (RBF) an­nounced that Flowers was awarded a $25,000 grant and a two-month res­i­dency at The Pocan­tico Cen­ter, a cul­tural venue and con­fer­ence cen­ter on the for­mer Rock­e­feller fam­ily es­tate in Tar­ry­town.

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